Historia Norwegiae "Historia Norwegiae is a Latin-language history of Norway written in the second half of the twelfth century. In the chapter describing the Sámi is found the oldest description of the Sámi drums and their use." Also the earliest known writing on shamanism of any kind. c. 1160-1175
"But towards north many pagan tribes - alas! - stretch from the east behind Norway, namely Karelians (Kiriali) and Kvens (Kwæni), corneous Sami people (cornuti Finni) and both peoples of Bjarmia (utrique Biarmones). But what tribes dwell behind them, have we no certainty."
"Sami school history is the story of the Sami pupils’ encounter with a school of which they knew little or nothing, of parents distraught over having to send their children into an unknown environment at the age of seven and of teachers who shared no common language with their pupils. It is also the story of how Sami teachers, parents, pupils and politicians have fought for a school based on the pupils’ own language and culture. It is the story of the authorities’ stubborn attempts, for a century or more, to wipe out the Sami language and culture, of the efforts, in more recent times, to use school as a means of revitalizing the Sami language and culture in heavily Norwegianized areas, and much, much more."
Read more on the Sámi skuvlahistorjá here and here
Read one of the stories translated into English here